Why we love Whānau Poster
Learning new stories about the people we’re closest to can strengthen our relationships and can deepen our sense of who we are, and where we’ve come from.
What to do
You'll need some pens and paper, and if you have a printer, you can use our handy Whānau poster worksheet. Otherwise, use it as a guide to write and sketch out something far more creative. Support your child to kōrero with the oldest person in your whānau or someone who is special to them, either online, in person or by phone.
They’ll need to ask this person their questions, note the answers, then use these to create a memory poster about the person, on a new sheet of paper. Copying or drawing any photos you may have will be a great addition too.
Ask your child to share their poster and the memories they've captured with the rest of your family, and with the person they've interviewed, when possible.
What next?
Think about creating a family album - you know the one we've never gotten around to! If your children have engaged in this activity, they may be keen to help.
Or is it time to start your family tree together?