Explain that letting people know how much they mean to us makes them (and us) feel really good. And that today you’re going to be making thank you cards for these special people… but rather than just hand the card to the person the idea is to think of somewhere fun you could hide it, as a sneaky surprise!
Then give the group some quiet time to colour in one of our printed cards (above), or to make their own. Encourage them to write one of the ideas you discussed/noted inside the card.
Discuss some sneaky delivery ideas (on their pillow, in your clean lunchbox, on the seat of their car).
Regroup in the next few days (the sooner the better) to let them report what they did, how the person responded and how they felt making/giving the card.
Most tamariki will have really positive experiences. If anyone is disappointed, talk about how timing can make a big difference. Commend their actions and encourage them to try again, another time with someone new.