Why we love it
To add a fun component (and stop tamariki from peeking!) you might like to print our taniwha mask. We’d suggest using A3 card and elastic for the band.
This is a variation of ‘Hello Judge’. Choose one tamaiti to be ‘in’ and ask them to stand at the front – turning their back to the rest of the class, or using the taniwha mask.
Silently choose another tamariki to say ‘Kia ora Taniwha’. The person at the front then turns around and guesses who said this.
If they’re correct, they swap places. If not, they turn around or close their eyes again, and you can choose another tamaiti to say: “Kia ora Taniwha.”
Often tamariki will try to disguise their voices, which is part of the fun.
Sometimes it’s helpful to shuffle the group because the taniwha has good ears and can distinguish where the voice came from, but not whose voice it is. Try tricking that taniwha as much as you can!