Work together to choose your first recipient (reassure students that there’ll be potential to repeat the activity throughout the year).
Discuss how different people like different things and that the best acts of kindness are things the person might like or appreciate.
What might your chosen person/group enjoy best? You could:
- make them a Compliment poster
- bring homemade bread, muffins or fudge
- make thank you cards (or a poster)
- clean their car and leave a note under the windscreen wiper
- write a heartfelt letter
- surprise them with some flowers
- create a gift basket
- get them a voucher to a local café
- make a special voucher with something you’ll do for them
- do a big job for them (i.e. a voluntary rubbish collection)
- perform a special song or waiata.
Discuss keeping the act a surprise and support students to organise and carry it out. Early on, create opportunities for tamariki to see the person’s surprise or reaction (i.e. invite them to your class under the guise of something else).
After each burst, give students the chance to reflect. What worked well? What was difficult? What might they do differently? How did the action make them feel?