
“We’re LOVING the fab activities! Our tamariki are enjoying learning about their brain and how they have the power to change it. It really ties in with our growth mindset statements.”
- Christchurch teacher
“There is no one child who doesn’t benefit from Sparklers.”
- Tamara Bell, principal at Southbridge School
“I think it’s really important, with so many stressors that our children have to face, that if they have these little skills now, that we just build on every day, that they do have these skills that they can take with them throughout their lives.”
- Kelly Sheppard, teacher at Shirley Primary
“I love the simplicity of Sparklers. It’s all there; it tells you what to do and anyone can use it. The activities are really hands on – they’re not just things for the children to listen to, they’re things the children can actually do and enjoy.”
- Kerri Narbey, teacher at Kaiapoi Borough School
“We got really positive change initially, but what was really cool was that they started a revolution and encouraged us to look at alternative ways to help get them ready for learning.”
- Tamara Bell, principal at Southbridge School
“The activities feel nice and calm us down.”
- Year 5 student, Christchurch
“Made me feel AWESOME!”
- Chisnallwood student (feedback on the Compliment Poster activity)
“Our tamariki really enjoy the activities. They build cultural confidence and pride, while helping tamariki get into a great headspace for learning.”
- Bernice Swain, Teacher at Haeata Community Campus

Where Sparklers came from

Sparklers was developed in response to requests from the education sector for tools to help them support and promote the wellbeing of young Cantabrians.

To read more about the demand and genesis of the project, and meet the team behind it, check out our Creation of Sparklers page.

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An introduction to Sparklers

Check out this video to see how Shirley Primary School are using Sparklers...

Launching Sparklers (June 2017)

Sparklers was launched in June 2017 at Kaiapoi Borough School.

At the launch teacher Kerri Narbey's class, who start everyday with Sparklers, demonstrated three Sparklers activities.

"It’s an awesome way to get the children set up and ready for the day ahead,” says Kerri.“Overall the classroom is now a lot calmer and that allows more learning to happen."

Kerri even sees the benefits of Sparklers in the playground.

“When the kids get angry you can see a lightbulb going off and they start implementing things like deep breathing themselves. It might even be the reason we’re now seeing fewer physicals.”

Kerri says Sparklers has made teaching wellbeing a lot easier. “I love the simplicity of Sparklers. It’s all there; it tells you what to do and anyone can use it.

The activities are really hands on – they’re not just things for the children to listen to, they’re things the children can actually do and enjoy."


2018 Sparklers evaluation

An evaluation of Sparklers has found that it is easy to implement in the classroom and teachers and other professionals working in schools are overwhelmingly positive towards it.

According to the evaluation, Sparklers helps to:

  • Embed wellbeing: Interviews with school leaders found that Sparklers activities aligned with whole-school approaches to building wellbeing and creating culture change.
  • Build social and emotional literacy: All teachers interviewed spoke enthusiastically about the implementation of Sparklers with their students.

Evaluation conclusions

Overall, the availability of the Sparklers resource was highly valued.

Sparklers provides a common wellbeing language across students, teachers, school leaders and other professionals. Sparklers has normalised talking about and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing for the schools involved in the evaluation.

Read the full evaluation

Read a two page evaluation summary

Twenty new activities added (August 2018)

In August 2018 All Right? launched an extended Sparklers wellbeing toolkit.

Following requests from schools 20 new Sparklers activities were added, including ten activities specific to year 7 and 8 tamariki which focus on topics such as working together, building friendships and understanding and regulating big emotions.

The extended toolkit was launched at Breens Intermediate in Christchurch, who were involved on the development of the new Year 7 and 8 activities.

Breens Intermediate teacher Stephanie Pole said the school introduced Sparklers' activities as part of their Breens' Values and Wellbeing programme to assist students showing anxiety and low self-esteem.

“Since the beginning, there has been a noticeable change for many of our Breens' whānau. The fun activities help boost the confidence and happiness of the students, allowing them to engage in positive learning, behaviours and friendships both in the classroom and beyond."


Informing Sparklers

Sparklers activities have been developed by behavioural specialists and are informed by the best available research and clinical expertise.

Sparklers is grounded the theories of:

Any additional research or specialist input drawn upon to create individual Sparklers activities are noted as part of the activity itself.

Sparkler’s activities align with school’s drive for kindness


‘Kindness is free. Sprinkle it everywhere.’

That was the message being shared at Chisnallwood Intermediate in the lead up to Pink Shirt Day.

Come Friday, school uniforms were swapped out in favour of pink tutus, scarves and LED-emblazoned hoodies.

It marked the school’s third year participating in Pink Shirt Day, as part of the national movement encouraging schools to make a stand against bullying.

In teacher, Anna Duncan’s classroom of year seven pupils, Pink Shirt Day was used as a platform to complete one of the new Sparkler’s activities.

Ahead of Pink Shirt Day, Sparklers’ released six new activities focussed on kindness and friendship.

Anna took her students through the Empathy Effect. This activity helps tamariki to understand the interconnectedness of our communities, and through this, the power that our actions (both good and bad) can hold.


Students Zoe Croot, 11, Holly Neale, 11, and Corbyn McClurg, 12, said they really enjoyed the activity.

“There are different sides to the story and everyone is supporting the person in the story,” said Zoe.

Corbyn said it got him thinking about the big impact bullying had on people.

“It’s important to do because if it ever happens to you, it makes you feel safe that everyone has their opinions and you know what everyone’s opinions are, so you can talk to them because you know how they’re going to treat you,” he said.

Anna has been incorporating Sparkler’s activities into classroom work throughout the year, with the Compliment poster proving popular.

“Everyone said something nice about you. As much as people might not show that they like you, there is something that they do,” said Holly.

“You feel safe to say things,” said Corbyn.

“The other activities are really good because you always know someone is there for you,” said Zoe.


Teacher Emma Smith says Sparklers activities have been really beneficial to the health and wellbeing of students.

She has been encouraging the use of them across the school.

“I think there is a really authentic foundation to them. They’ve been well thought out. They’re incredibly genuine and they’ve had that thought put into them around ‘what do we want to achieve’ and ‘what do we want the outcome to be’. That sets them aside from other activity books on wellbeing.”

Emma had also taken her class through the Compliment posters activity.

She said she discovered that not all students felt comfortable openly complimenting others, but were able to do so when done anonymously.

“I had 100 per cent feedback come back, from “nice” to ‘it filled me with joy’. So I knew that activity had made a difference.”


Emma said the newly-released Pink Shirt Day Sparker’s activities complemented their school wide initiative promoting kindness throughout the week, as well as those done alongside Kāhui Ako ki Ōtākaro members.

She completed the Culture of Kindness with her class. In this activity, students take home a worksheet and interview a whānau member about their own experiences of school, and what their hopes are for their child’s experience of school and education.

“Essentially, whanau want their children to be treated with respect and them to treat others with respect. This really aligned with what we wanted to achieve through Pink Shirt/Kindness Week, encouraging students to stand up when they saw any behaviour that wasn’t very nice.”


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Otherwise, many of our resources can be ordered free of charge in the Greater Christchurch region.To check out what’s available go to https://allright.org.nz/resources/

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